Thursday, March 28, 2013

My jewelry

So I get a little distracted sometimes and start things but never follow through or finish with them. I'm hoping to change that and trust me it hasn't been easy, as I'm sure many of you know that changing your life style and things about yourself can be difficult. But I'm improving and getting better with the follow through and keeping up with this is the next step for me. I'm going to post about whatever, anything and everything. Even if no one follows me I will at least have something to show my daughter when she gets older. We can look back and laugh at mom lol :)
I suppose it's time to show you what I create.

The top photo is a bracelet I made using silver wire, silver findings and a stone I can't remember the name of anymore. (time to research) The bottom photo is a necklace of the same stone as the bracelet, silver findings, and the pendant is made of precious metal clay. I believe that pendant was made by my hubby, back when we thought it was easy to travel to art shows and sell our wares! The precious metal clay is silver and organic binders that can be molded into whatever then when baked in a kiln the organic binders burn off and you're left with 99.99% silver. I love making these pieces and have put it on the back burner for too long.
Thats just a little bit of what I can create, I plan to post much much more. I also have some pieces hanging at a friends shop here in town. A groovey little spot where you can paint with an instructor while you sip wine and socialize with other 'painters' no painting experience necessary just bring your open heart and you will amaze yourself! I will post more about this groovey spot later as I master this blog thing ;)

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