Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Back to work

Sanibel Island Sunset 2013

Ok so now my feet are a little wet in terms of this whole blogging thing
Now it's time to get back to the jewelry
I remember when I was a young-er girl using colored strings to make bracelets with my girlfriend
And then we would set up a small table with all our creations on it on the side of the road trying to get people to stop and buy something!
I've always like making things with my hands and up until about 6 years ago it was glass beads bought at the craft store paired with strings or hemp.
Then I met my 'hubby' and was introduced to swarovski crystal beads!
Oh my aren't those sparkly!
Mesmerized by the sparkle we were
We bought up a bunch of jewelry and glass blowing equipment and supplies and got to work
with the intentions of packing up every weekend and heading to an art show to sell what we'd made.
Little did we know about that whole scene!
Most of the people doing those art shows are artists or retired folks,
people not trying to maintain other jobs or a house with kids and animals.
I loved every minute of it and would LOVE to do it again but first I think I need to build up a bigger portfolio and do more research.
I think now we know what not to do!
But I've put anything I love to do in the back to play mommy and maid and all that comes with being mom/'wife'
My daughter will be 4 this year and now is my time to start putting my foot in some doors
and getting back to what makes me tick!
I have also had the mind to start an etsy store but not sure about the finances right now
so I've also put that on hold
But the blog I can and will make myself do
I will manange my time better and make more time for creating what I love!

I've also dabbled a bit in making jewelry for wine glasses but I only made this one
and I don't think I have the right materials so I see lots of research in my future!
I recently started drinking wine and I love these little do-hickys and want to make my own!

Need to research and find out what these are called!
Do you know?!

Happy tuesday ya'll

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