The Story of You
I never wanted to have kids
I was the girl who said
"I'm not having kids, I'm not getting married!"
But 9 years ago I met your father
He showed me what true love was
But I was still reluctant to have a kid of my own
He has a daughter from a previous relationship so I was sort of playing mommy
It was after spending a lot of time with them as a family that I started wanting my own little person
6 years together and we made the decision together to have our own child
Here I am pretty pregnant
I cannot remember how far along I am in this one
I guess you could say I had a decent pregnancy
The first 3 months I puked all day everyday
The second trimester actually wasn't too bad
But the third was uncomfortable
I had swelling and preclampsia
Which to this day I'm really not sure what it is
Needless to say on a regualr Wednesday in my 3rd trimester I went for my monthly checkup and got sent right across the street to the hospital to have my baby!
In tears I called my 'hubby' and he left work to meet me at the hospital
They admitted me and had to induce, not fun.
I didn't last long with the contractions and asked for an epidural
Thankfully I was numb from the waist down because apparently the nurse trying to stick me in my spinal area couldn't get it right!
After the epidural Fiona's heartbeat wouldn't return to normal
so the wonderful nurses rushed me down the hallway to the o.r. for an emergency c-section.
Poor 'hubby' was wisked into a tiny waiting room all by himself without knowing what was going on
They put me out and the next thing I can remember is waking up to the sight of 'hubby' holding our new bundle of joy, whom by the way was 22 days early!
Just a few days old!
So tiny!
She was a fighter right out of the gate and has been going strong ever since!
She always amazes me with her intelligence and personality
I can't wait to see what's in store for my girl
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